Dan Chamberlain | EMD Law

Dan Chamberlain

Wills and LPA Paralegal

Department: Wills, Probate and Planning

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Dan joined our busy Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney department in February 2024 and is our Wills & LPA Paralegal.  Dan's past experiences means that client care and service is of utmost importance to him and he takes pride in ensuring clients are left both satisfied and pleased with the service provided to them.  Dan is supervised by Liz Dumbleton. 

Dan is able to meet with clients at either our Kent or East Sussex offices.

Dan likes to spend any spare time that he has with his family or playing hockey or video games.

Why choose us?

Free Initial Consultation


Out of Hours Appointments


Home Visits by Prior Arrangement


Funding Options Available

Here, at EMD Law, we installed watercoolers from AquAid, in so doing, we have become the proud sponsors of an Elephant Pump in Africa.

Our Water Coolers are from AquAid